The Practice

A SIGIL is more than just a piece of jewelry. It’s a spiritual tool used to manifest your deepest desire. The SIGIL’s magical power is determined by the way you use your SIGIL. If done correctly you can fill your SIGIL with enough energy to manifest your most ambitious intentions.

Remember, your SIGIL represents a meaningful affirmation that you INTEND to manifest. If you follow “The Practice” your SIGIL (and coincidentally your affirmation!) will grow in power every day.Your ability to honor the practice will determine the amount of power available within your SIGIL.

The Practice is a daily ritual and goes as follows:


1. Open your SIGIL

Wearing your SIGIL necklace, spin your pendant 360 degrees CLOCKWISE around your neck. Your SIGIL is now open and ready to receive.


2. Charge Your Affirmation

In a calm, meditative state, repeat the affirmation symbolized by your SIGIL. Breathe deeply. At the peak of each inhale, when your lungs are full of air, hold your breath and say your affirmation out loud or in your head. Then exhale. Use your diaphragm to slowly push all the air out of your body. With each exhale feel your affirmation sink deeply into your body and subconscious. Repeat this flow for a minimum of 10 minutes.


3. Bury Your Affirmation Deep Within

Repeat step 2 but this time do not say your affirmation. Just breath in and out, slowly and naturally. Focus on your breath and the sensation of your affirmation sinking deep within the body. Like a seed sinking deeply into warm, moist earth. Like step 2, repeat this meditation for a minimum of 10 minutes.
*(It’s also important to note, everybody is on their own unique manifestation journey. If 10 minutes feels like too much for steps 2 and 3, start with less time and work your way up overtime. This is YOUR practice, use our guide as a model and adjust according to your comfort level.) 


4.  Give the Offering

You cannot receive without first giving. The gift of empowerment, creation, and manifestation will not be received without an offering of your gift. Your gift is an act of service that is aligned with the affirmation of your choosing.
*(For example: if your affirmation is “I am a millionaire,” spend time on your business. If your affirmation is “I am losing weight,” run on the treadmill or meal prep healthy, nourishing meals. If your affirmation is “I am enough,” read an empowering book, eliminate toxic media influence, or take action on developing a greater sense of empowerment and self-worth.)
Your gift is the price you must pay to unlock the manifesting power of your SIGIL. It is the action that reinforces your affirmation and shows your commitment to transformation. We recommend that your act of service be at least 30 minutes per day. Without giving a daily offering, you will never be granted access to the creative abundance of manifestation.


5. Close your SIGIL

Still wearing your SIGIL necklace, spin your pendant in the reverse direction as mentioned in step 1. Turn it 360 degrees COUNTER CLOCKWISE, effectively closing your SIGIL practice and the channel to our world. Your intention reaffirmed, your mind still, and your offering delivered, you have completed The Practice…until it begins again tomorrow.
The magical results accumulated from this ritual compound with time and consistency. Unlock the limitless power of your SIGIL with as little as an hour of practice a day. Join the growing community of practitioners and unlock your power to manifest!